Monday, February 1, 2010

Snowed In

There was a plan to spend the weekend with friends in the mountains in Virginia and do a long hike in the George Washington National Forest on Sunday, but the snowstorm had other ideas.  It started falling Saturday morning around 10 a.m. and we had four inches by early afternoon, which was just enough to snowshoe in Rock Creek Park.  After the big storm in December we were able to snowshoe twice in the park, the first two times we've had enough snow to do that in the five years we've been in Silver Spring.  It is quite a treat to be able to do that and I was happy to get another chance this year. 

On Sunday, I was able to try out my microspikes running in Rock Creek Park.  They worked quite well.  As I ran by, I did get some strange looks from people who were carefully picking their way down the trail, trying not to slip. 

Hopefully, next week, we'll be back on trail.

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