Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bike Ride Flowers and Garlic Scapes

There is a spot on our local bike ride, where either the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Maryland Department of Transportation has planted a beautiful array of flowers.  I've biked by it for several weeks this spring and it makes me happy every time I see it.  I don't recall seeing it in previous years, but it looks fairly well-established, so I'm guessing I wasn't there at the right time.  Yesterday, I finally drove back out there in the evening and took some pictures:

 Poppies and orange flowers in front of a wheat field.
An orange flower that I think is part of the mustard family. This is by far the most prevalent flower there. None of the flowers along this stretch of highway are in any of my guidebooks, so they are almost certainly exotic, but pretty anyway.
Purple contrast against the orange and green.
 Another Poppy.
 Closeup of a poppy.
Bachelor buttons.
This white flower is the same type as the purple one two pictures above.
Quick garden update:  Our garlic produced garlic scapes just in time for grilling on Saturday.  We threw them in a packet of foil with fennel and cauliflower (from the farmers' market) and some olive oil and roasted all of it over the coals.

1 comment:

  1. The abundant orange flower above looks like a wallflower, Cheiranthus flower or Erysimum, and is indeed part of the mustard family
