It started out a little bit crowded with runners. Apparently, a Baltimore running club was having an event at the southern trailhead. It wasn't too bad and, before long, we were mostly by ourselves on the trail. We made good time all the way to York. We had lunch on a picnic table in a park at the end of the trail. Then we decided we needed to ride to Maple Donuts. After all, it was only another 4 miles, round trip. And there would be donuts!
The way back was even more deserted than the ride out. The northern section of the Maryland portion of the trail was especially quiet. Michael had a flat, so we got a break while he changed it. We also stopped for ice cream since we were clearly sugar deficient after the donuts. It was a great ride that took all day. We did a total of 85 miles. Congratulations to our friend Wild Type on his longest ride ever.
I didn't take a lot of photos on this trip. I brought my good camera, but forgot the memory card in my computer. All of the pictures below were taken with my phone.
The Howard Tunnel on the Heritage Trail. This was one of the prettiest sections of the ride.
The square in York at the end of the trail.
Pretty sunflowers right beside the trail.
How many cyclists does it take to change a flat?
Seven Valleys, Pennsylvania: The birthplace of commercial ice cream production (click to enlarge).